Hyperice Back

Recommended retail price by the brand 110.00 €
Current price 50.00 €
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The i-Run team says

Hyperice Back Ice Compression Device: Relieves Inflammations


The Hyperice Back Ice Compression Device helps relieve your pain and inflammations in the back caused by intense sports training.


This device combines the processes of cryotherapy and compression. Hyperice products are designed with a neoprene compression sleeve combined with an ice chamber equipped with a patented air valve.


Benefit from the healing properties of cold for optimized recovery. It is designed to prevent and treat back pain and inflammations: stiffness, spasms, overuse, arthritis, sciatica, and joint pain.


The 3 mm neoprene compression sleeve features a velcro closure for impeccable support.


The ultra-thin ice cell transfers cold quickly and deeply for total effectiveness. Waterproof and antimicrobial, it remains flexible to adapt to the shape of your body and provide optimal comfort.


The Hyperice Back Ice Compression Device was developed in collaboration with the world's top athletes for maximum reliability and performance.



Key features of the Hyperice Back Ice Compression Device:

  • Designed for treating back pain
  • PATENTED Compression Cryotherapy
  • Compression sleeve: flexibility and support
  • Ice pocket: waterproof and antimicrobial
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Technical description

Technical Specifications for Compression:

  • Premium 3 mm compression neoprene with plush finish
  • Wide range of motion and mobility during icing
  • Comfortable fit
  • Machine washable


Technical Specifications for the Ice Cell:

  • Push-button allows for maximum compression
  • Ultra-thin ice cell
  • Flexible ice cell conforms to body contours for maximum coverage
  • Antimicrobial ice cell membrane prevents the growth of microbes (bacteria, fungi)
  • Wide mouth opening makes ice loading easy
  • Leak-proof seal
  • 8" X 8" icing surface
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Hyperice Back
Hyperice Back
110.00 € 50.00 €
I-RUN Running Trail Fitness