Apurna Étui barres énergétiques Citron/Amande 4+1

Recommended retail price by the brand 9.20 €
Current price 7.80 €
You save 15%

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  • Prolacta

    A patented concentrate of proteins derived from milk, rich in essential amino acids and particularly in Leucine (Branched-Chain Amino Acids: BCAA).

    Leucine plays a role in the activation of protein synthesis, and Prolacta offers:

    +16% more Leucine than traditional milk protein

    +50% more than egg and soy

    +60% more than meat

    For endurance or strength efforts, Prolacta helps in maintaining muscle mass during and after exercise.

Apurna Étui barres énergétiques Citron/Amande 4+1
Apurna Étui barres énergétiques C...
9.20 € 7.80 €
I-RUN Running Trail Fitness