Baouw Pur?e nutritionnelle bio - Petit pois - C?leri - Coriandre

Price 3.25 €

The i-Run team says

Avoid slumps with Baouw organic nutritional mash with peas, celery, and coriander, and enjoy its benefits throughout the day. Developed with a Michelin-starred chef, it dazzles your taste buds with its rich flavors.


Composed of a delicious blend, without added sugars, it provides a good source of energy to overcome your daily challenges.


The celeriac and Gu?rande salt fill your reserves of minerals and vitamins, while the kiwi adds a tangy taste.


Extremely digestible and easy to transport, it is a perfect snack for small hungers or demanding training sessions.



Key points of the Baouw organic nutritional mash

  • To be consumed before, during, or after a sports session
  • During exercise, one mash every 20 to 30 minutes on average depending on the intensity (naturally replaces energy gels)
  • Made from fruits and vegetables: energy, glycemic control, vitamins, and flavor
  • Peas: antioxidant and rich in fiber
  • Celeriac: rich in vitamins and minerals and improves digestion
  • Olive oil: creaminess, antioxidant, and quality lipid
  • Kiwi: vitamin C and flavor
  • Savory recipe
  • Digestible and delicious snack
  • No added sugars: healthy snack
  • Vegan and gluten-free
  • Pouch made of 80% plant-based materials (sugarcane)
  • Reclosable cap
  • Organic ingredients
  • Made in the French Alps
  • 1 pouch of 90 g
  • Flavors: peas, celery, coriander
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Technical description

Ingrédients :


Purée de petit pois* 57.15%, purée de kiwi*, jus de céleri* 10%, huile d'olive vierge extra* 5%, fécule de tapioca*, sel de guérande 0.5%, raifort en poudre*, coriandre en poudre* 0.15%, jus de menthe*, jus de citron concentré*.

*Ingrédients issus de l'Agriculture biologique.

La purée nutritionnelle bio est cuisinée à base d'ingrédients sans gluten et vegan. Sans sucres ajoutés et indice glycémique modéré. Peut contenir des traces de moutarde.


Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 1 purée de 90 g :

Énergie : 103 kcal / 431 kJ
Matières grasses : 4.4 g
Dont acides gras saturés : 0.6 g
Glucides : 12 g
Dont sucres : 4.1 g
Fibres : 0,8 g
Protéines : 3,4 g
Sel : 0,46 g

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Baouw Pur?e nutritionnelle bio - Petit pois - C?leri - Coriandre
Baouw Pur?e nutritionnelle bio - ...
3.25 €
I-RUN Running Trail Fitness