The i-Run team says
Zone AirComPlex
144m² of additional insulating surface. At the level of the solar plexus, which is located beneath the 12th thoracic vertebra, major nerve fibers from various organs intersect. It is here that information affecting the overall well-being of a person passes through. The Energy Accumulator® EVO protects this fragile area thanks to special channels. When it's cold, trapped warm air provides perfect insulation. During physical exertion, this structure manages excess sweat to give the abdomen a pleasant cooling sensation.
AirConditioning Channel® à isolation « zéro »
Physiological studies have shown that the chest area, for example, is optimal for ensuring efficient and rapid ventilation. Zero-insulation zones function like fans within the AirConditioning Channel®.
They allow for a free space along the AirConditioning Channels®, ensuring effective ventilation.
X-Impact Technology
Better performance thanks to compression, which reduces muscle vibrations, supports muscles and joints, and enhances nutrient delivery.
Placed under the armpits, they absorb sweat droplets and expel them outward.
Système 3D-BionicSphere
"Ensures effective ventilation with rapid moisture evacuation."
AirComPlex-Zone sur le haut de l'abdomen
The solar plexus, located between the sternum and the navel, is an area where important nerve messages circulate, influencing the overall well-being of the body. The Trick protects this sensitive zone. Warm air is trapped to shield from the cold. During activity, excess sweat is wicked away to prevent overheating.
37°C CCR
The human body constantly needs energy to maintain itself at 37°C, a temperature of comfort and performance. The 37°C CCR operates in this way, allowing for an increase in the available energy you need to be as efficient as possible.
Innovative sweat management: excess sweat is removed, but a thin layer is left in contact with the skin to promote thermoregulation without wasting energy and preserving the essential nutrients for performance.
Ultra-precise body-mapping system designed to optimize the efficiency of each technology by promoting its stimulation by placing it in the most strategic area possible according to its properties.