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Pressotherapy & Compression recovery boots 8 article(s) found

Compression Recovery Boots & Pressotherapy

These boots look like they belong to a giant. They use pressotherapy, a therapy that stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic return. Just slip your legs into these boots, which have several independent pneumatic compartments. A compressor pumps air into these compartments. The legs experience controlled and measured pressure. The pressure, inflation of the compartments (thighs, knees, feet), and duration of the treatment are adjustable.

Increasingly used by athletes, pressotherapy boots are very effective for muscle recovery and combating fatigue. They promote venous return by activating blood circulation within the veins. This blood flow prevents edema, swelling, and the sensation of heavy legs since muscular activity in the legs generates the production of toxins, notably lactic acid. The lymphatic drainage performed by the boots helps eliminate waste and toxins.


I-RUN Running Trail Fitness