
Fitness & Activity Trackers 5 article(s) found

Whether you're aiming to quickly achieve your goals, optimize your workout sessions, or enhance your sports performance, it's crucial to equip yourself with certain accessories. For this purpose, the fitness tracker has become a staple for athletes, providing them with numerous essential data. Consequently, the market for these wristbands has seen significant evolution with many models available

What is a fitness tracker?

Also known as an activity tracker or connected wristband, this fitness tracker is worn on the wrist and connects to an application. Thanks to its sensors, this sports watch serves both as a heart rate monitor and a pedometer, as well as informing you of the number of calories burned during physical activity.

Why get a fitness tracker ?

As you've understood, the connected wristband can accompany all your sports activities, offering intelligent and convenient tracking.

But that's not all, the fitness tracker also:

  • analyses the quality of your sleep, providing a curve of your sleep cycles.
  • informs you about the number of calories burned throughout your day, whether you engaged in sports activities or not.
  • allows you to track your progress and consequently, improve your performance through its application.

Who can benefit from it?

It's important to note that the fitness tracker is a useful tool for both experienced athletes and amateurs. It's also perfectly suited for individuals with cardiac dysfunctions who wish to improve their health. Indeed, thanks to its heart rate sensor, it proves essential for anyone engaging in sports.

How to choose the right activity tracker?

To select the connected wristband that best suits you, i-Run shares some tips:

  • Choose the model that best fits your physical activity. For example, if you swim, consider waterproof models that are water-resistant.
  • Check compatibility with your phone, and for this, prioritize iOS or Android fitness trackers.
  • Consider its battery life, which should allow you to use it uninterrupted throughout your days.
  • Opt for an activity tracker with an OLED screen to enjoy high-quality display.
  • Inquire about the ease and speed of syncing with the application.
  • Select the model that offers essential features such as a calorie counter, pedometer, heart rate monitor, or sleep curve analysis.

Which model to prefer according to your budget?

Depending on the price and the budget allocated for your connected wristband purchase, you can easily narrow down your choices. If you prefer the most comprehensive model on the market, you should expect to spend almost 200 Euros for the Samsung Gear Fit2 Pro connected wristband. However, for about 150 Euros, you can also get a high-quality Fitbit wristband.

Moreover, for medium and small budgets, Fitbit, TomTom, or Polar wristbands are offered at 90 Euros on i-Run.

I-RUN Running Trail Fitness